Nothing is more important than your time and money. When buying products online, you are faced with a dilemma:
Save time and buy from a reputable website at a high price, or try to save money by buying from a disreputable retailer at the cost of wasting time on quality and service issues.
At Baofeng you don't have to choose between low prices and a safe shopping experience. Whether you are a first time buyer or an experienced shopper, we hope our products, prices, content and resources are just what you need.
Over the past 7 years, Baofeng has grown steadily in the Spanish market, so we have made our official German website available to you.
We do this by providing the highest quality products, at an affordable price, and backing this up with superior service. It seems simple to us.
That's our promise: to enhance your shopping experience. Through strong partnerships that allow us to bring you the latest technology from our own Baofeng brand, on behalf of our attentive and responsive customer service team, we strive to deliver on that promise and better meet your needs every day. We have an agent specializing in the US market who has been working with us for 7 years. In this way, we make the communication between you, as end customers, and us, as manufacturers, as smooth and accurate as possible.
Along with this promise, we hope to give you more value. Whether it's offering you the latest and greatest in telecom-related products, providing you with superior technical support, or working as leaders in the telecom industry to develop enriching content that entertains and helps you in your buying process. Your concerns are our concerns.
We do all of this to help you find the highest quality products, at low prices, with as little consumer headache as possible. If we fail to deliver on this promise in any way, please let us know by sending us a message via the Contact Us Form.
How we work:Once your order is placed, it will be processed as soon as possible. We generally process our orders within 48 business hours. Once your package is shipped, we will send you an email with a link to your tracking information. We are available to help in any way we can. Please contact us by sending us a message via the Contact Us Form if we can help you in any way (seriously, in any way) and we will do our best to get back to you within 48 hours. If you enjoy our products and our service, we would appreciate your support. Subscribe to our newsletter, or leave us a review on our website by sending us a message via the Contact Form. |
Global eCommerce Solutions HK Limited
Headoffice in Hong Kong
Suite 2, Level 12A , Enterprise Building 228 - 238 Queens Road Central,
Central Hong Kong